

GDPR: 3 common mistakes

Everyone is doing their best in order to be GDPR compliant. However, there are some quite ordinary day-to-day routines that are considered to be unsafe and illegal due to GDPR. Yet they take place daily in many teams. Have a […]

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Customer Success Manager

Stinto thrives off the success of our customers, and we’re looking for strategic, growth-focused, and results-driven Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to engage, retain, and enable Stinto’s customers. Our Customer Success team serves as the primary advocate for our customers, guiding […]

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Happy New Year from Stinto

Stinto is all about convenience and quality. We make it easy for people to stay connected and we make it easy for companies to keep data current, with a focus on quality, not quantity. As the new year approaches, Stinto […]

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Dansk tech startup iværksætter ambitiøs vækstoffensiv

Efter en stor investering på rekrutteringsområdet sætter danske Stinto nu handling bag sine ord og ekspanderer til Frankrig og UK.

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Connecting in a virtual world

How to keep up with the explosion of new contacts in the COVID Virtual World After the world got hit by COVID-19 the number of virtual meetings has increased dramatically. In December 2019 Zoom had 10 million video participants on […]

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Stinto opruster på salgsfronten

Den danske tech-startup Stinto, som har udviklet en ny SaaS Contact Management Platform, indgår en partneraftale med GSH Tech Agent. Målet er at styrke Stintos salgskanaler. Ambitionerne er store ved danske Stinto, der på bare to måneder har ansat Ann […]

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Danmark kan blive verdensførende indenfor bæredygtige tech startups

Verdens sustainability-fokus hviler på Danmark, der med de rette tiltag har en gylden chance for at indtage positionen som international bannerfører for bæredygtig udvikling indenfor tech startups.    Af Ann Rosenberg, CEO Stinto  Efter massiv international bevågenhed til det netop afholdte […]

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Virtual customer meetings

By CCO Lasse Garby Virtual customer meetings were something that large US-based IT companies used in their Inside sales organizations just a few years ago. Especially companies like Microsoft and Cisco that had their own video desktop solutions were some […]

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Ny CCO med fortid hos multinational it-virksomhed

Den danske sustainable startup-virksomhed Stinto ansætter Lasse Garby som ny CCO. Lasse Garby er tidligere salgsdirektør og kanalchef i den globale it-virksomhed Cisco.  Tech-virksomheden Stinto har ambition om at erobre det globale marked med deres stærke contact management platform. Og med ansættelsen af Lasse […]

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Stinto is proud to announce that Ann Rosenberg, who has previously been with the international IT giant SAP, is appointed new CEO as of September 1st, 2020. Ann brings a wealth of experience from previous roles, such as Senior VP […]

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